1st place: Sarah Hill, MD - "Role of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Sentinel Lymph Node Detection"
2nd place: Jordan Duckett, DO - "Comparison of Surgeon Muscle Fatigue During Robotic and Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgeries"
3rd place(tie): Madeleine Craig, MD - "Vaping in Pregnancy…Provider Proficiency or Puerility?"
3rd place(tie): Stavros Stefanopoulos - "Algorithmic Prediction of Amputations in Diabetics"
1st place (tie): Rex Farrer, DO - "SIngle Anastomosis Duodenal Switch - Effects of Weight Loss and Reduction for Weight Related Comorbidities"
1st place (tie): Samer Alharthi, MD - "Impact of Targeted Sclerotherapy in Management of Refractory Venous Ulcers"
2nd place: Darren Abbas, MD - "Effect of Previous Kidney Transplant on Surgical Treatment of Thyroid Cancer"
3rd place: David Fumo, MD - "Optimizing OR Scheduling of Ureteroscopy"
1st place: Stephen Markowiak, MD - "HCAHPS Scores are influenced by Social Determinants of Health"
2nd place: Jessica Burns, MD - "Frequency of Development of Breast Cancer after Normal Breast MRI in Patient with Various Risk Groups without Genetic Mutation"
3rd place: Daniel Pickett, DO - "A Comparison of the Separate and Combined Effects of Marijuana and Alcohol on Trauma Survival"
1st place: A. Bramos, MD - "The Role of Fibronectin in Irradiated Skin"
2nd place: Kate Klein, MD - "One is Never Enough: Incremental Value of Multiple Arterial Bypass Grafts in CABG in Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease"
3rd place: Jacob Stirton, MD - "Early Mobilization After Basal Joint Arthroplasty: Preliminary Clinical Results"
1st place: Samer Alharthi, MD - "Hemicolectomy is Associated with Improved Survival for Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma Less Than 2 cm"
2nd place: Mohammad Jamil, MD - "Mortality, Length of Stay and Charges Associated with Alcohol Withdrawal in the Surgical Population: Analysis of the NIS Database"
3rd place: Carrie Watson, DO - "Patient Satisfaction: A Comparison of Currently Utilized Versus Ethnically and Physically Diverse Education Materials for Physician Discussion of Surgical Intervention Options for Breast Cancer Treatment"
1st place: Olutayo Sogunro, DO - “Detecting Accurate Tumor Size Across Imaging Modalities in Breast Cancer”
2nd place: Bradley Buck, MD - “The Incidence of Ciprofloxacin Resistant Bacteria on Pre-Prostate Rectal Swab is Increasing: a Northwest Ohio Study”
3rd place: Ryan Flynn, MD - “Biostatistics: The Urology Residents’ Perspective”
Honorable Mention: Christine Ou, DO - “Identification and Treatment of Iliac Crest Herniation Secondary to Autogenous Bone Grafting”
1st Place: Jai Prasad, MD - "Performance of a Gene Expression Classifier in Predicting Malignancy in Thyroid Fine Needle Aspirations of Indeterminate Cytology - A Preliminary Report"
2nd Place: Mohammad Jamil, MD - "Does VATS have a Mortality Advantage over Conventional Lobectomy for Early Stage Lung Cancer? Analysis of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample Database"
3rd place: Ryan Flynn, MD - "A Domino Effect: The Rising Rate of Penile Foreign Body Implantation in U.S. Prisons"
Honorable Mention: Andrew Skattum, DO - "Impact of Duty Hours on Surgical Resident Case Logs - A Review of Publicly Available ACGME Electronic Data Records"
Honorable Mention: Dan Murtagh, MD - "Management of Penile/Urethral Injury Following Dog Bite: A Case Report"
1st Place: Daniel Miller, DO - "Accidental Hypothermia in the Trauma Patient: A Single Institutional Review"
2nd Place: Linda Adepoju, MD - "Effect of Surgical Treatment and Histologic Subtype on the Outcomes of Patients with Appendiceal Carcinoma"
3rd place: Daniel Rizzo, DO - "Delayed Primary Closure in Dirty Abdominal Wounds Using Negative Pressure Therapy as a Bridge"
1st Place: Christopher Clancy, MD - "Excellent Short and Long Term Outcomes of Pancreaticoduodenectomy at a Low Volume Community Hospital"
2nd Place: Mohamed F. Osman, MD - "A Single Center Experience of the Endovascular Interventions in Patients with Acute Proximal Deep Venous Thrombosis"
3rd place: Linda J. Adepoju, MD - "Effect of Insurance Payer Status on the Surgical Treatment of Early Stage Breast Cancer: Analysis of Data from a Single Health System"
1st Place: Ronald D. Collier, MD - "Regional Variation in Trauma Mortality"
2nd Place: Mazen Bazzi, MD - "Utility of the Renal Resistive Index as a Predictor of Mortality"
3rd place: Nicholas K. Johnson, MD - "Effect of Spousal Presence at Postoperative Counseling of Compliance after Vasectomy"
1st Place: Adam Becker, MD - "Prostatic Involution Following Intraprostatic Injection of Cobra Cardiotoxin"
2nd Place: Nina Grewal, MD - "Objective Outcome Measures of Patients with Iliofemoral DVT Treated with Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis"
3rd place: Kurtis Stewart, MD - "Resuscitation with Ketones Improves Survival Over Lactated Ringers in a Rat Shock"
1st Place: Pablo Serrano, MD - "Obesity is a Risk Factor for Nosocomial Infections in the Trauma Population"
2nd Place: Richard Di Fiore, MD - "Cervical Hematoma Following Carotid Endarterectomy: A 12 Year Review"
3rd place: Mario Castillo-Sang, MD - "Contemporary Management of Vascular Access Site Complications after Cardiac Catheterization"
2020 - Sean Lewis, MD - pursuing general surgery residency at McLaren Macomb Hospital
2019 - Michael Tolkacz, MD - pursuing general surgery residency at William Beaumont Hospital
2018 - Daniel Kindell, MD - pursuing general surgery residency at the University of North Carolina
2017 - Tyler Williams, MD - pursuing general surgery residency at Ascension St. John Hospital
2016 - Kaitlan Ahrens, MD - pursuing general surgery residency at the University of Massachusetts
2015 - Julia Roberts, MD - pursuing general surgery residency at the University of Toledo
2014 - Lisa Balistrei, MD - pursuing general surgery residency at the Mayo Clinic
2013 - Anthony Archual, MD - pursuing plastic surgery residency at the University of Virginia
2012 - Benjamin Jacobs, MD - pursuing general surgery residency at the University of Michigan
2011 - Isaac Kriley, MD - pursuing general surgery residency at Allegheny Health Network
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